Senior Pathway Leader
- Permanent
- Liverpool
- Deadline: 10/10/2024
As a lead in the coordination role for Pathway Leaders, I will manage a designated team of tutors, ensuring cohesive collaboration and effective communication. My focus will be on driving the implementation of service quality standards, systems, and procedures across the curriculum to enhance the quality of teaching and learning. Additionally, I will plan and oversee the implementation of both standalone and embedded contextualized employability and vocational learning programs, ensuring alignment with local and national priorities. This approach will contribute to fostering a learning environment that equips students with essential skills for their future careers.
Key Responsibilities:
To plan, develop and implement innovative, responsive Vocational and
Employability curriculum pathway to target groups of learners to achieve
employability and wider social and economic outcomes
• To develop provision in conjunction with other local providers in the city to
avoid duplication
• To line manage a team of tutors
• To work with other members of the Pathway Leader Teams to support
• To use data and employer needs analysis to develop and deliver
responsive and innovative curriculum offer that leads to employability, skills
and wider economic and social outcomes
• To lead and performance manage a team of tutors to provide outstanding
• To work with other members of the pathway teams, English, maths, ESOL
and family learning to support the implementation of employability and
vocational and community learning pathways.
• To participate in the recruitment of tutors, induction training and
development of staff
• To organise and chair pathway meetings
• To implement individualised learning assessments as appropriate to
pathway area
• To develop high quality documents, teaching materials and other resources
to be used by students, tutors and other staff
• To lead and implement internal quality assurance (IQA) in line with ALS
and awarding body requirements for the employability and vocational
pathway area
• To ensure that the curriculum pathway attracts appropriate accreditation
and to manage the accreditation process on behalf of the Service
• To develop and promote e-learning in the delivery of this pathway area.
• To teach a maximum of 3 hours per week
• To produce an annual SAR (Self-Assessment Report) and resulting quality
improvement plan (QIP) for contributory AOL
• To undertake a number of observations of teaching, learning and
assessment / walk throughs and work scrutiny in line with service
• To ensure individual learner needs are identified and met, which includes
undertaking initial assessment, individual action planning, formative and
summative assessments and recording of progress and achievement
• To comply with, lead and support the implementation of service quality
assurance standards, systems and procedures
• To carry out assessment procedure to evidence learning and attend
associated moderation meetings
• To contribute to the marketing of courses and learner recruitment
• To undertake periodic reconciliation of MIS data relating to enrolment,
attendance and achievement
• To research, plan and deliver staff development initiatives in consultation
with Line Manager and Senior Managers
• To ensure that Health and Safety legislation is adhered to and to undertake
regular risk assessments in liaison with operational managers and the
Business Manager
• To comply with and implement the policies and practices of the Adult
Learning Service for Quality Improvement and Assurance and Equality and
• To keep up to date with the current policies and practises of the Adult
Learning Service
• It is expected that the officer will participate fully in:
❑ Staff Development Policy and Practice
❑ Training Opportunities, which are made available.
❑ The organisation and delivery of in-service training
❑ Performance Review
• There is a requirement to attend and participate in, as necessary,
appropriate Council Committees and working parties
• To perform any other duties appropriate to the grade of the post, assigned by
the appropriate manager
• Relevant Teaching qualification, Level 4/5 eg Cert Ed, DTTLS (A,I)
• Relevant Subject Qualifications at Level 3 or higher (A,I)
• Level 4 Internal Verifier (IQA) qualification as appropriate (A,I)
• Evidence of continuing professional development within the last eighteen
• Level 3 assessor qualification
• Relevant management qualification (or willingness to work towards)
• Successful experience of managing staff to improve performance (A,I)
• Successful experience of planning and accrediting learning programmes and
securing appropriate funding using national funding rates (A,I)
• Experience of working in Adult learning/ Further Education (A,I)
• Experience of using and interpreting learner data to improve learner,
attendance, retention, achievement, success and satisfaction rates (A,I)
• Relevant teaching experience across a number of curriculum pathway areas
includes vocational / employability/skills to gain employment of for life/family
learning/vocational/fee paying/community learning (A,I)
• Successful experience of developing non- accredited learning using RARPA
• Experience of implementing Quality Assurance / improvement systems
• Comprehensive understanding of teaching and learning methods and styles
• Experience of preparing high quality Teaching and Learning resources
• Knowledge and understanding of local learning, skills and employment needs
to support residents into work and ability to develop employability and
vocational packages of learning
• Chair staff/tutor network meetings
• Undertake a resource needs analysis and allocation and relevant health and
safety risk assessments
• Contribute to a Self-Assessment Review of a curriculum area
• Contribute to the production and implementation of annual operational plans
• Implement appropriate Quality Assurance systems including observation of
teaching and learning /learning walks/ work scrutiny procedures
• Assist in curriculum evaluation and development
• Knowledge of awarding body requirements.
• I.T. Skills